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CarGenerator Bluetooth Module 4.2
CarGenerator Bluetooth Module 4.2
CarGenerator Bluetooth Module 4.2 For Your RV Motorhome or Camper
Price: $93.50
MFG: CarGenerator
SPECIAL: Ships 3-5 Days

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Availability: In Stock

The CGBT CarGenerator Bluetooth 4.2 wireless module will make your CarGenerator 1000w CarGenerator 1000w smartphone capable. Easily view the number of watts your CarGenerator 1000w is generating on your Android or iPhone smartphone.
  • Bluetooth Module providing app for monitoring power/watts from your CarGenerator CG 1000w and viewed on your Android or IPhone smartphone.

CarGenerator Bluetooth Module 4.2 For Your RV Motorhome or Camper

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CarGenerator All-Weather Portable Car Generator For RVs, 1000 Watts - With Quick Connect Cable CarGenerator All-Weather Portable Car Generator For RVs, 1000 Watts