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To Go LD-TM Large Diameter Tire Mount
Flagpole To Go LD-TM Large Diameter Tire Mount
Flagpole To Go LD-TM Large Diameter Tire Mount
Price: $32.75
MFG: Flagpole To Go

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Availability: Out of Stock
No Longer Available

The Flagpole To Go LD-TM is a tire mount stand for flagpoles with larger diameters.
  • Makes for a great temporary flag display, as the wheel of your vehicle holds the stand in place.
  • It accommodates any flagpole up to 2-1/4 in diameter.
  • It has a 2-piece design, so it takes up less space during storage.
  • It has a steel construction, while still only weighing a few pounds.
  • This 18" flagpole mount is coated with enamel on the outside so it stays resistant to rust.
  • Dimensions
    • Mount overall: 4-5" W x 10-12" L
Note: Flagpole not included

Flagpole To Go LD-TM Large Diameter Tire Mount